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Local Business Sponsorships

Delta Sigma Pi's Epsilon Tau chapter is a leading co-ed professional business fraternity, dedicated to empowering members across diverse backgrounds for impactful careers and personal lives.

United by core values of Professionalism, Service, Scholarship, and Brotherhood; we foster a higher standard of commercial ethics. 


Committed to personal and professional development we are looking for sponsorship from local business owners such as yourself to help Epsilon Tau grow and continue to support our brothers and neighboring communities. 


To learn more about this initiative please fill out the form below and one of the members of our Fundraising committee will reach out to you within the next 3-5 business days. We sincerely appreciate your interest in supporting local aspiring business professionals!

Submit a Local Business Sponsorship Inquiry

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Thank you for your submission!

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